How to get my self-care back on track?

I know that self-care is important, I have read all the articles and research and even written a book about it. It really is the most important thing we can do to feel more content, and yet in reality life sometimes takes over and it can end up not getting the attention it should. I am talking about self-care as taking the time for a relaxing soak in the bath or a manicure, but also taking the time to check in on myself and how I am doing with my life.
My warning signs that my self-care is being neglected are when I find myself feeling tired, grumpy, under the weather or struggling to keep on top of things. I start chewing my nails and am quick to have a glass of wine. It seems strange that by spending more time on myself I will be able to get everything else done and feel happier, and yet it works.
When I focus on myself I buy healthier food, make time for exercise and go to bed earlier. I always feel so good after cooking and eating a healthy meal. I am better at group classes and more likely to attend. I also focus on my bedtime habits and replace watching TV and a glass of wine with reading a book and drinking herbal tea. I prioritise meeting friends and family, they help me keep things in perspective and support me.
For me, keeping in control of my finances is important. I like to know where I am and I also like to check in every now and again and be sure that I am happy with where I am going in life and that everything is still in line with my values.
Sounds like I have it all sorted and yes, I am more aware of when I am neglecting myself, but it all still sometimes gets away from me. When this happens, I go to a trusty notebook and look at what is happening with my time. Time is the one thing that I can’t get more of, so it is a matter of using what I have wisely. It seems old fashioned, but having my week written down quickly shows where my time and energy is going and helps me prioritise, with my self-care going in first.
Life is always changing and I am better at keeping my self-care on track, and when it does slip I am better at recognising the signs and dealing with it.
What is self-care to you? How well are you doing? What are your warning signs that your self-care is being neglected? What lessons have you learnt? What tips do you have to share?